Unique Dining Experience:
The Art of Sushi Making: A Class to Show You How
January 26, 2013 at Maui Culinary Academy
Donation of $100 per person
Join in the fun as Sushi Chef Jimmy Yanigeda goes into action to teach you how to roll sushi like a pro. In this hands- on private class, you will assemble and roll and laugh and eat. Bring along some Saki to add to the fun and flavor and turn the evening of instruction at the Maui Culinary Academy into a party where you will meet new like-minded friends and learn how a first class culinary school operates. Your one hundred dollar donation to the Maui Culinary Academy will secure you a spot on January 26, 2013, at 3pm for this unique experience only offered through the Noble Chef. This class is limited to 12 lucky people. A minimum number of 8 is needed to make the class a GO.
- Tour of Maui Culinary Academy.
- Instruction and hands-on experience in the creation of sushi.
- All product needed to produce the sushi.
- “Dinner” following the class.